benlee open

07th Feb 2016

a very windy day today and some hard fishing …1st place Keith garner with 31lb off lee 1…….. 2nd place was Chris sturgeon with 23lb off ben 3 ….. 3rd place Stuart Oakes with 19lb 12oz off ben 11…. well …

benlee winter league

07th Feb 2016

top 5 winter league names so far are…keith garner with 6 points…… Richard Morley with 7 points……chris sturgeon with 7 points…. Stuart oaks with 8 points….. roger Hammond with 8 points …

Saturday 6th lee open match

07th Feb 2016

a quiet turnout today non stop rain but still fished well ….1st place roger Hammond with 43lb lee 1…. section win des beaumont off lee 3 ……. section win John Holdsworth off lee 11 …. well done lads and thanks …

benlee open match

31st Jan 2016

a bit of a quiet turnout today for the match on ben pond with only 7 anglers rising the bad weather …..1st place was Jamie rogerson off peg  3 … 2nd place was John Holdsworth off peg  6… well done …

benlee restocking

26th Jan 2016

benlee lakes  has just introduced new carp iin ben and lee pond 150/200 2lb carp in lee pond and 250/300 2lb carp in ben pond with more fish to follow for our Oliver pond

benlee open

07th Nov 2015

today’s match was on ben pond with 12 anglers turning out for a very windy day ….1st place  Stuart oaks with 54lb  4ozoff peg 3……2nd place was Tony Lawson with 20lb 10oz off peg 7…… section win was des beaumont …

benlee winter league week 1

26th Oct 2015

today was the first benlee wintee league and some cracking weights …. 1st place was chris sturgeon with 75lb 8oz off ben 6…… 2nd place was g Kirby with 70lb 12oz off ben 4 ….. 3rd place was keith garner …

benlee evening match

23rd Jul 2015

ben pond open match was a good turn out tonight with some good weights showing.,,,,,1st place Tony dinsdale with 62lb 12oz off peg 3,,   2nd place was martin Holmes with 60lb off peg 6,   3rd place was Dave cheatem with …

Friday 26,6,15 over 60,s match

27th Jun 2015

a good days fishing for some today.,,,,1st place Eric bummer with 30lb off ben 10.,,,,,,2nd place Steve with 28lb off ben 12.,,,,,3rd place Ron with 24lb off ben 22 .,,,good day lads and thanks for coming

Thursday evening match 25,6,15

27th Jun 2015

Thursday evening match was on ben pond with 10 anglers turning out.    11st place with a good comeback was Chris kitchen with 46lb off ben 19.,,,,,,2nd place Stuart oaks with 37lb off been 22.,,,,,3rd place Keith garner with 32lb off …

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  • Benlee Lakes

    Green Lane
    WF4 5DY
  • Telephone

    07851 771510
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