Thursday 14,5,15 open evening match
good turn out tonight and some good anglers turned up dispite the weather been so cold. 1st place martin Holmes with 49lb 8oz off ben 22, 2nd place was Chris kitchen with 44lb 8oz off ben 18, 3rd place was …
good turn out tonight and some good anglers turned up dispite the weather been so cold. 1st place martin Holmes with 49lb 8oz off ben 22, 2nd place was Chris kitchen with 44lb 8oz off ben 18, 3rd place was …
benlee open match was on lee pond today a good turn out 1st place Stuart rook with 46lb 4oz off lee 20, 2nd place was ash smith with 41lb 4oz off lee 11, 3rd place Joel Whitley with 35lb 4oz …
not the best of days weather wise but some top angling today with some impressive weights 1st place Stuart oaks with 93lb 8oz off lee 6, 2nd place gaz Watson with 59lb 8oz off lee 17, 3rd place Dave with 46lb …
a good turn out today for the over 60,s match and a impressive win from Eric bummer 1st place Eric bummer with 39lb 4oz off lee 1 , 2nd place bob with 18lb 8oz off lee 6, and 3rd place …
£7 day ticket, £5 over 60,s day ticket, £5 after 4pm ticket £6 match ticket and £10 2rod Gracie pond only thank you
a very impressive turn out today and some top angling from the lads 1st place gaze Watson with 90lb off ben 11, 2nd place Stuart oaks with 59lb 10oz off lee 13, 3rd place John haldswarth with 52lb off ben …
a better turnout today and some impressive fishing, 1st place Joel Whitley with 79lb 2oz, off ben 5,2nd place Garry summerscales with 73lb off ben 21 and 3rd place ash smith with 50lb 10oz off ben 2, well done lads …
Oliver pond was booked today buy Yorkshire angling and what a brilliant set of lads they were even invited my lad to fish as a guest. they had a good turn out of 17 anglers but unfortunately the weather wasn’t …
a quiet turn out today on lee pond but still nobody blanked so good day for all ,1st place Stephen odd with 45lb 8oz off lee 5, 2nd place Andy lumb with 30lb off lee 11, and 3rd place goes …
a bit of a quiet turn out today and another dull Sunday but still some cracking weights 1st place Joel Whitley with 86lb 8oz off lee 20. 2nd place goes to John haldswath with 85lb 14oz off lee 18. and …